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Published On 1/25/2021
Congressional redistricting is broken. In most states, districts are drawn by partisan lawmakers, and the manipulation of district boundaries for partisan or other discriminatory purposes is rife, with communities of color being amongst the hardest hit. While courts can provide a remedy, litigation is often slow and costly. This allows discriminatory maps to sometimes remain in place for years while court cases and the inevitable appeals run their course. But H.R. 1, the broad and historic democracy reform bill passed by the House in March, offers some smart, comprehensive ideas that would make the redistricting process fairer and more transparent.
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Published On 1/25/2021
“The For the People Act is the democracy reform bill the American people want and deserve. The League of Women Voters is proud to pledge our continued support for this groundbreaking legislation, just as we did when it was first introduced in the last Congress,” said Virginia Kase, CEO of the League of Women Voters of the United States. “This comprehensive piece of legislation is the most expansive democracy reform agenda we have seen since the Voting Rights Act was passed more than 50 years ago. It will reinstall faith in our democracy by making elections fairer and putting power back into the hands of the American people. The League of Women Voters is committed to working with members of all parties to ensure passage in both the House and Senate. We look forward to seeing the For the People Act cross the finish line and signed into law by the new administration.”
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Published On 12/6/2020
Reach regarding election results.
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Published On 12/6/2020
Public announcement by coalition's shadow redistricting plan.
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Published On 12/6/2020
LWV CEO, Virginia Kase, explains what the public needs to know about the Electoral College.
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Published On 12/1/2020
All IN 4 Democracy, our coalition for redistricting reform in Indiana, is calling for applications to the Indiana Citizens Redistricting Commission (ICRC). The ICRC will demonstrate how the redistricting process in Indiana should be conducted. It will show that a politically balanced group of citizens working transparently and in cooperation with citizens can devise districts that will serve the public interest, not the interests of politicians.
The ICRC will hold a series of virtual public meetings in January and February of 2021 to take public testimony on what redistricting criteria should guide the map-drawing process....They will also sponsor a map-drawing competition and serve as the judges for that competition.... Reports and maps will be submitted to the IN General Assembly (IGA) and we will lobby for adoption of the maps drawn through a transparent process by a politically balanced group of citizens. More...
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